Organizațiile semnatare ale acestei poziții îsi exprimă consternarea în legătură cu demersurile parlamentare recente de revizuire a Constituției României, prin care se doreste renunțarea la asigurarea protecției constituționale împotriva discriminării, prin excluderea unor criterii, precum orientarea sexuală, vârsta sau dizabilitatea.
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights sets the date for the public hearing in the case Anca Mocanu and others v. Romania
The Grand Chamber of 17 judges of the European Court of Human Rights set that the public hearing in the case Anca Mocanu and others v. Romania (the file on the 13-15 June 1990 events in Bucharest) is to take place on 2 October 2013.
Propunerile APADOR-CH de modificare a Constituţiei, adresate Forumului Constituţional
Prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr. 17/2013 a fost constituită Comisia comună a Camerei Deputaţilor şi Senatului pentru elaborarea propunerii legislative de revizuire a Constituţiei României.
Anunț scoatere la concurs a postului de director executiv al asociaţiei
APADOR-CH anunţă scoaterea la concurs a postului de director executiv al asociaţiei
Open letter
We are writing to you in order to reiterate our readiness to co-operate for the improvement of the Romanian Constitution and, at the same time, to express our concern with the flaws of the public consultation process regarding a piece of legislation that is of vital importance for the future of the country.
Letter to the Romanian Parliament – The Chamber of Deputies
The signatory organizations ask for Article II of the Legislative proposal to modify Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 on associations and foundations to be eliminated from the document, as voted by the Senate on February 12, 2013. Maintaining Article II is in violation of the general principle of irretroactivity of the law (provided by Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Constitution), the principle of separation of powers (Article 1, paragraph 4 of the Constitution) and of the authority of res judicata of final and irrevocable court decisions , as well as of the right to freedom of association (guaranteed by Article 40, paragraph 1 of the Constitution).
MARIN STOICA v. Romania Application no.32431/08
Request for referral to the Grand Chamber pursuant to article 43 of the Convention and rule 73 of the rules of Court
Apel către Parlament
Opriți finanţarea de către Stat a cultelor religioase şi redirecţionati aceste fonduri către Educaţie, Cercetare şi Sănătate!
Press release on the CVM Report: Freedom of speech doesn’t need new laws, but protection
The signatory organizations express their bewilderment and concern regarding the findings and recommendations referring to mass-media included in the CVM.
Scrisoare adresată dlui Victor Ponta, Prim-Ministru
Solicităm publicarea proiectului de buget pentru anul 2013 in format deschis, la momentul trimiterii in Parlament pentru dezbatere
ECHR decided against Romania for violation of its obligation to cooperate with the European Court and for breech of Articles 6, 8, 10 and 13 in the Bucur and Toma case.
On January 8, 2013, the European Court of Human Rights (henceforward the Court) issued a judgment in the case Bucur and Toma v. Romania , retaining that the Romanian state was in breech of Article 38 (obligation to cooperate with the Court), of Article 6 (the right to a fair trial), of Article 10 (the right to freedom of expression), of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and of A rticle 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the European Convention on Human Rights. APADOR-CH supported the court actions, through its solicitors.
APADOR-CH sent every candidate in the December 9 elections for the Romanian Parliament a set of 30 questions on relevant issues of public interest and asked them to answer them in reasonable time, similar to the 10 day term provided by Law no. 544/2001 on free access to public information.
Proiectul de buget pe 2013 trebuie să respecte Legea transparenței și să fie supus dezbaterii publice
Organizațiile semnatare reamintesc premierului Victor Ponta că Ministerul Finanțelor Publice are obligația de a supune dezbaterii publice proiectul legii bugetului pe anul 2013 , potrivit Legii nr.52/2003 privind transparența decizională în administrația publică.
Transparența alocării banilor publici – afectată grav de modificarile OUG 34/2006 cerute de ANRMAP
Organizaţiile semnatare au luat act cu îngrijorare de propunerea de amendare a OUG 34/2006 privind atribuirea contractelor de achiziţie publică, a contractelor de concesiune de lucrări publice şi a contractelor de concesiune de servicii iniţiată de ANRMAP şi postată pe site-ul acestei instituţii în data de 22 noiembrie 2012.
APADOR-CH a adresat candidaţilor la alegerile parlamentare din 9 decembrie 2012 un chestionar cu 30 de întrebări privind chestiuni relevante de interes public şi solicită acestora să trimită răspunsurile la chestionar într-un termen rezonabil, similar termenului de 10 zile prevăzut în Legea nr. 544/2001 privind liberul acces la informaţiile de interes public.
Press release: APADOR-CH on the judgment of the European court of Human Rights in the case Viorel Cucu v. Romania
On November 13, 2012, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued its judgment in the case Cucu v. Romania (22362/06), sanctioning the Romanian state for the violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights – prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment, and of Article 3 of Protocol no. 1 of the Convention – right to free elections. The applicant's action was supported by APADOR-CH.
Alaturati-va Scrisorii de sustinere a reprezentantului societatii civile in Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii!
Mai multe organizatii neguvernamentale active in domeniul drepturilor omului, a bunei guvernari si, in orice caz, preocupate de reforma justitiei, au participat in perioada 15 septembrie – 5 noiembrie 2012 la un proces de consultare pentru a identifica si desemna un candidat din partea societatii civile pentru pozitia de membru in cadrul Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii (CSM).
Press release
The signatory organizations have sent the Minister of Education, Mrs. Ecaterian Andronescu, an open letter (see text below the press release) expressing their concern regarding the contents of religion textbooks used in schools and asking the Ministry (MECTS) to place this subject under public debate.
Press Release Regarding the ECHR judgment in the cause of the Alba Iulia Roman Catholic Archdiocese, sanctioning Romania for failing to return the property of the Roman Catholic Church
On September 25, 2012, the European Court of Human Rights issued its judgment in the cause Alba Iulia Roman Catholic Archdiocese v. Romania (application no. 3303/03) and sanctioned the Romanian state for the violation of Article 1, Additional Protocol 1 to the Convention (the right to property). The plaintiff was supported before the European Court by APADOR-CH, through collaborating councilors.
Letter to Sorin Oprescu, General Mayor of Bucharest Municipality
During the first meeting of the General Council of Bucharest in the 2012-2016 incumbency, we noted that these meetings were no longer open to the public. The signatories of the present letter consider that preparing a special room destined to watching Council meetings is not in the spirit of the law and principles of participative democracy, quite the contrary. Moreover, separating citizens from local elected representatives will have a major impact on direct communication between the two categories, the council meeting being one of the main occasions when citizens are able to take part in decision making regarding the city management.