Monitoring visits in police lock-ups

Rapoarte ale vizitelor făcute de APADOR-CH în aresturile de poliție

Report on the follow up visit at the Center for Pre-Trial Arrest and Detention no. 12

Every month, each detainee was entitled to a bar of soap, a razor and a roll of toilet paper. There was no budget for buying envelopes and stamps, in order to guarantee the right to correspondence/petitioning, but the chief of the facility said that the staff provided the items themselves when a minor could not afford them.

Report on the visit to the Center for Pre-Trial Arrest and Detention in Târgu Mureş

in order for a detainee to receive the visit of family members or attorneys, it is mandatory to have the written approval of he prosecutor in charge with or overseeing the case.

Raport asupra vizitei în Centrul de reținere și arestare preventivă din subordinea Inspectoratului de Poliție al Județului Iași

Pe data de 13 mai 2014, reprezentanți ai APADOR-CH și RHRN au vizitat Centrul de reținere și arestare preventivă (CRAP) din județul Iași.

Report on the visit to the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention attached to the Iași County Police Inspectorate

The capacity of the current facility was of 81 persons (11 three-bed rooms measuring 6.21 sq. m each and 6 eight-bed rooms measuring 13.8 meters each). The overcrowding is extreme. At the time of the visit, the center held 29 detainees, of whom 5 women, but there have been times when the population went over 70.

Report on the visit to the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention attached to the Prahova County Police Inspectorate

APADOR-CH points out that detention space per person was below the 4 square meter standard; rooms would have been overcrowded if all beds were occupied (the resulting space being about 3.5 sq. m per detainee). Police custody facilities still use the old standard, of 6 cubic meters per detainee, although the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) insisted, in its 2010 report on Romania, that they should observe the 4 sq. m norm.

Raport asupra vizitei în Centrul de reținere și arestare preventivă din subordinea Inspectoratului de Poliție al Județului Prahova

În fiecare cameră există un WC turcesc al cărui orificiu este acoperit cu un recipient din plastic umplut cu apă pentru a împiedica mirosul să se răspândească în cameră și pentru a preveni intrarea șobolanilor în camere. Salubrizarea grupurilor sanitare trebuie făcută de urgență.

Report on the visit to the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention attached to the Constanţa County Police Inspectorate

The representatives of the Association noted that one of the most serious problems found during their previous visit had still not been addressed. More precisely, APADOR-CH noted that video surveillance cameras were still installed and functioning in every room of the police custody facility.

Report on the visit to the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention attached to the Tulcea County Police Inspectorate

La data vizitei CRAP Tulcea găzduia şapte arestați, toţi bărbați. Dintre aceştia, şase erau arestaţi preventiv iar unul era condamnat, însă la momentul arestării nu avusese acte de identitate aşa că până la eliberarea documentelor rămâne în arest. Persoanele cu care au discutat reprezentantele APADOR-CH erau arestate de câteva zile. Durata şederii în CRAP Tulcea este în general de câteva zile şi nu depășește (conform șefului de arest) o lună, chiar şi pentru cei care nu deţin acte de identitate.

Report on the visit to the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention attached to the Timiş County Police Inspectorate

At the time of the visit, CPAD Timiş held 40 persons, either retained or under arrest, among whom two minors, three young detainees and 35 adults. Two of the detainees were female and 38 were male.

Report on the visit to the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention (CPAD)attached to the Cluj County Police Inspectorate

On September 25, 2013, two representatives of APADOR-CH visited the Center for Preventive Arrest and Detention (CPAD) attached to the Cluj County Police Inspectorate (IPJ).